Locked TOKE

TOKE holders can lock TOKE to earn autoETH, which is the receipt token for ETH deposited into an autoPool. As a share of the pool, autoETH represents a share of the underlying deployed assets and is reward-bearing.

The minimum lock period is of 4 weeks, withdrawals have to be requested during the unlock request period. Funds become available for withdrawal one week after requesting. Locks renew every four weeks.

During the guarded launch phase, the rewards are 50% of protocol owned assets (POA) revenue plus rewards accrued during the guarded launch.

Additional token utility will be implemented in the future, after open launch of Autopilot.

For common questions regarding TOKE locking and accTOKE, please refer to the FAQ on the website, which can be found at https://app.tokemak.xyz/lock .

Last updated