Lock and Earn

TOKE holders can lock TOKE and earn autoETH, the yield-bearing Autopool receipt token that represents a share of the underlying assets.

What Are the Benefits of Locking TOKE?

Locked TOKE holders earn autoETH.

How Long Is the Lock Period?

The lock period is four weeks and begins/ends on Wednesdays. This means that, while you begin to earn rewards immediately upon locking, the four-week lock will begin on the Wednesday following the transaction. The lock will automatically renew every four weeks, unless a withdrawal request has been made during the last week of the period. The TOKE will then be available for withdrawal and stop earning rewards after completion of the lock period. Adding additional TOKE to a lock position will renew the duration to four weeks for the entire balance.

Your locked TOKE will start earning rewards immediately upon locking. The rewards will be reflected in your Portfolio upon beginning of the four-week lock period.

Locking TOKE

To lock your TOKE, navigate to the "Lock and Earn" section on tokemak.xyz. In the Lock section, select "Lock," input the amount you wish to lock, and click "Lock." You'll then need to complete two transactions to lock your TOKE.

  1. Approval: This is a required transaction prior to locking, which grants the lock contract permission to move your tokens. This transaction won’t be needed for future locking actions unless you revoke the approval.

  2. Lock Toke: This transaction locks your TOKE tokens. Once confirmed, your tokens will be locked in the smart contract.

Requesting an Unlock

If you want to unlock your TOKE, go to the "Lock and Earn" section of the app. In the Locking section, select "Request Unlock" when it becomes available in the final week of the lock period.

You can request the unlock during final week of your lock period. Once the full four weeks are complete, you will be able to withdraw the unlocked balance.

Future Utility

Additional token utility will be implemented in the future, after open launch of Autopilot.

Last updated