View Positions
Where can I see my Autopool Positions?
All your positions can be found in the "Portfolio" section.
You can also see your position on detail page of the Autopool you have deposited into (eg. autoETH or balETH).
Total Autopools Balance
This is your total balance across all your Autopool positions.
Autopool Allocations
Here you can see the allocation to DEXs and assets across all Autopools you have deposited into.
Here you can track and manage your individual positions.
Total Autopools Balance: Total balance across all Autopools.
Total Returns: Total cumulative return across all Autopools.
Average Daily Returns: Average return across all Autopools. High daily Composite Return Metric, 7-day moving average, 30-day moving average depending on Autopool age.
Average APR: Average APR across all Autopools. High daily Composite Return Metric, 7-day moving average, 30-day moving average depending on Autopool age.
Rewards: Current balance of additional earned rewards.
TVL: Total Value Locked of the Autopool.
Deposited: Cumulative deposits made into the Autopool.
Returns: Total cumulative return earned in the Autopool.
APR: APR of the Autopool. High daily Composite Return Metric, 7-day moving average, 30-day moving average depending on Autopool age.
Staking Statuses
You can see your stake status under the portfolio on the autopool section.
Staked. Your amount of LAT's stake is the same as the total amount of your position.
Partially Staked. Your amount of LAT's stake is no the total amount of your position.
Unstaked. You do not have staked tokens.
How Do I Manage My Autopool Positions?
In your Portfolio, click on the 'Manage' button to go to the specific Autopool page, where you can manage your Autopool position:
Deposit / Withdrawal
Stake / Unstake
Last updated