Connecting to the App

The following pages are intended for first time Tokemak users. Each page will walk you through how to navigate and use the Tokemak dApp. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out in our community [link-discord].

Connecting Your Wallet

After "Entering the Tokemak dApp, you'll notice a Connect Wallet button in the top right, where you'll connect your Metamask or preferred browser or hardware wallet:

Once your wallet is connected, you'll notice a number of informational items and options. Refer to the reference numbers in the table below to learn what each part of the UI does.



In the top left, you'll see the current Cycle number, Cycle countdown and the TOKE price.


In the center, you'll find the total (non-TOKE) Total Value Locked (TVL) as well as the TOKE TVL. TOKE and non-TOKE TVL are separated to clearly indicate how much TVL there is from Liquidity Providers vs. Liquidity Directors. Above this section you will find the dashboard tab where you can manage your deposits, withdrawals and rewards.


Click the 'deposit TOKE' button to deposit TOKE and begin directing liquidity.


Once you have deposited TOKE, you will see the total amount of TOKE you have currently voted as well as your remaining votes. This may take up to 15 minutes to update after depositing TOKE.


The accTOKE window allows the user to lock their TOKE as accTOKE and enables them to claim rewards from POA deployments weekly. Once you have locked TOKE you will see a timeline showing your lock duration, when you can request withdrawal and the cycle your position will auto-relock.


Click the button below the corresponding Pair Reactor to deposit the asset and begin earning TOKE rewards. Token Reactors can be found by scrolling further down the page.


Click the 'Deposit LP' button to deposit your Sushi LP or Curve LP tokens. If have not got the LP tokens in your wallet yet, you can click the icon which will take you directly to Curve or Sushi to deposit TOKE and ETH in exchange for the LP tokens.

Last updated